Sunday, September 19, 2010

Morton's Neuroma

First thought on my mind today; I really want to write more. I love writing and just putting my thoughts out there. Since I only have a few followers, I am not on display for the whole world to see. Just a few people who are friends or family (and the family has to be nice ;). With this thought in mind, my goal is to write or post three times this week. I am going to borrow a few ideas from some blogs that I follow. Stay tuned!

Second thought is my running (of course!) As I’ve stated before, “I LOVE to run!” It is such a calming and fun time. Unfortunately, I haven’t run for the past week and a half, this has been awful! (I did manage to purge a few rooms in my house, so there was a side benefit.) I have been battling a foot issue: Morton’s Neuroma. If you don’t know what this is, you can check out this link: (I hope I can post this!) This issue really interferes with my running, I’m okay for about 3 miles and then my foot starts to hurt. So, being the tech-savvy woman that I am, I researched it on the internet. There is so much information on this condition and lots of ideas on how to help deal with this. One great suggestion, that another runner decided to try because he was at his wit’s end, was to take the inserts out of the shoes. I did and it was great! I managed 4.27 miles with no pain! I have to adjust my gait a bit so I don’t land as hard, but I have no pain in my foot! WHOO HOO!! I hope the 7 miler that I run this week proves just as painless.

Third (and last) thought, is the Buffalo Stampede at Warren AFB in Cheyenne, WY, in August. What a great race!! 60 Fahrenheit, cloud cover, 6160 feet elevation, flat roads with a few hills, and antelope on the course. It helps that I love Wyoming, and the volunteers were the nicest people I’ve ever met. Even better, my foot never, ever hurt. Not even after the race. Thank you!

Okay, signing off! Enjoy your time and get out there!

1 comment:

  1. Keep writing. These are fun to read. I never was able to do much writing. I guess that is the engineer in me.
