Thursday, September 2, 2010

Running on Vacation

For the past week, other than recovering from jetlag, I have been debating on what to write about. My brain has been going non-stop since we arrived home from the USA. A lot happened during my visit, other than drinking too much with my wonderful family and friends. (My liver will need a few weeks to recover!) I’ve thought about friendship and what a gift that is, family and how wonderful and crazy that can be. I’ve thought about life in the US versus life here in Switzerland, and finally I thought about the one thing that clears my head of all this: running. Running helps me think, and it clears my head of all the noise and chatter that goes on.

I managed quite a few runs while on my trip. My first day in Denver, I managed to go running with my Sis on this beautiful trail where there were elk grazing! Getting up at 4:45 while on vacation stinks, but this was worth it, I got to see this amazing sunrise over Denver and then to see elk grazing on the trail. No other run during my trip beat that. In Montana, I ran with one of my favorite nieces along a two lane highway near Absarokee. The run ended with coffee in Fishtail, Montana. An old rancher remarked to us, “Wouldn’t it have been better to run downhill instead of up?!” At which point I told my niece, “I knew that was all uphill! Dang!!” She laughed and the next day we started on the other side of Fishtail, towards Hannah, Montana, and ran downhill to Fishtail. However, the point where we were left at started at the top of a hill, heading downhill only to discover there was some serious hill climbing to do before any descent was made. Two more beautiful morning runs, surrounded by prairies that led to the mountains of Red Lodge, Montana, with two amazing sunrises and the best coffee ever. If you are ever in Fishtail, Montana, get yourself to Potter’s. You will be happy that you did.

Okay, school run time, will share more later!


  1. Kath: I am so proud of all that you have accomplished thus far, but especially since this January. I am amazed at how you do it all, you are truly an inspiration to us slackers. I can't wait to run the 1/2 marathon in Lausanne with you, you are amazing girlfriend! XOXO

  2. This was fun reading. Running is great for the body and soul. Keep it up and enjoy your time across the pond.

  3. Nothing like friends and family and healing livers! OXOX
